A Girl Named Maria

Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility. -Kate Douglas Wiggin-


The Childrens Institute

It has been a long month for Maria and the family. Mommy and Maria have been staying at the Children's Institute in Shadyside. Maria has been participating in the feeding program, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. A nasal feeding tube has been placed so Maria can get all her essential nourishment. She has made a nice weight gain and is getting some of that baby fat. During her stay she has made huge gains developmentally. Now Maria can roll, sit up on her own(almost), and is ready to start crawling. She loves to grab and pinch everything. Everything goes in her mouth including her toes. She has started blowing raspberries and said DaDa and MaMa for the first time this last week. Mommy and Maria are being discharged today. Maria will need to continue with her tube feedings and go to outpatient speech therapy. We are all praying that soon Maria will enjoy eating as much as we do. A special thanks goes out to all the staff at the Children's Institute for their loving care of Maria during her stay.