A Girl Named Maria

Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility. -Kate Douglas Wiggin-


How could we forget a picture of Nana!

We've got to put a picture of Nana on the blog! Nana has been busy washing Maria's new little outfits to get ready for when she comes home. Nana and pappap helped put the finishing touches on Maria's bedroom (I'll try to get a photo of the cute bedroom for everybody to see). We are getting ready for the baby shower and can't wait to see everybody there! Nana and pappap are so proud of their precious little grandaughter.

Big Changes

Wow, our little dolly (as mom calls her) is 3 pounds!! We are all so happy to see her gaining weight. Mom and Dad can hold her now for one hour everyday. Daddy got to hold her for the second time the other day, yeah! When Maria is out of the isolette now she is using the nasal canula. Mom and Dad visited the transient infant care center in Shadyside and decided to put Maria on the waiting list. What a joy it's been to hear her little voice now that the ventilator is gone!
Maria is very animated and loves to touch her face with those little hands. She puts on little shows for us each visit. Mom is a pro at changing her diaper and taking her temperature now. Aunt Dee got to see her outside of the isolette for the first time and was so excited to kiss her.



And there is joy!

She will fill our lives with sunshine and our hearts with love --Author Unknown

Maria is making so much progress. She was taken off of the ventilator, YEAH!! She was initially placed on the C-PAP machine (pictured above), however, has progressed to the Aladdin (pictured below). We are all so proud of her for being such a fighter. Miracles do happen. Mom has been actively participating in her care by changing her diaper and taking her temperature. She is doing very well on the aladdin breathing machine. Daddy got to hold Maria for the first time yesterday (we'll have a picture soon!). It's so nice to see that little mouth without the breathing tube! Good news, Mom just called and said Maria now weighs 2 pounds and 11 ounces!! What a big girl!!


Baby Fat

Our little Maria or "little dolly" as mom calls her is gaining weight like a champ. She now weighs 2 pounds and 9 ounces. She is just about double what she weighed when born. Take a look at that chubby hand and arm. She's even got a double chin! We are all glad to see her plump up a bit. The doctors are considering a trial without the ventilator tomorrow! She got a blood transfusion today and has already battled another infection. Her oxygen concentration has been in the 30s. We breath 21%. She is definitely a fighter. Mom and Dad have been at the hospital every possible moment they can spare. Mom mentioned the other day " I can't imagine my life without her!" (As you can see Maria gave her Aunt Dee a little smile today during her photo shoot!!)